Thursday, June 10, 2010

And so it begins.

Well... it's official. I've made the plunge into the not-so-friendly land called unemployment. It's by choice, mind you, and certainly a temporary choice but it's unemployment nonetheless.

Let's take a few steps back...

Odds are, if you are reading this, you know me already. Given the advent of social networking, you might only slightly know me but the aim of these writings is to change that for all experiences prior and to keep you involved in all travels and adventures future.

I'm Mitchell: citizen of the world first and of Arkansas, USA a distant second. Both parts are equally important and the latter certainly developed the former. When you live in Arkansas there is nowhere to go but out.

With that being said, the general function of this page is to give you line-of-sight into my adventures. Sitting still has never been my forte and I'm fortunate enough to have been to 4 continents, 25 countries and 38 states as of this writing. The majority of those 25 countries were on my 3 month backpacking trip in Europe. My experiences were indescribable and modern technology makes travel incredibly easy. This was in 2006 so 2010 will be even easier (hopefully).

So what's next?

Well, as mentioned, the employment is on hold for the time being because I have something that needs to be done before getting too far into my career. I'll soon embark on a 4 month journey (leaving July 1st) around the world with a focus on the East (Asia and India). Here's the tentative itinerary:

Washington, DC
South Korea
SE Asia - Over a month
Eastern Europe/Russia/Scandanavia

Many of these destinations are places I can't see myself getting back to easily. I'm young and capable and while some may view a 4 month sabbatical as career-limiting, I view it as personally enlightening. After all, a potential employer who shares these views is someone I want to work for.

So there's the setup. I'm sure I'll write a bit more about the justification for my decision but, come on, is it really that necessary?

Stayed tuned for more about trip preparation!

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